John 10:11-16 – Misericordias
Domini – April 22, 2012
What Makes Our Shepherd Good
What Makes Our Shepherd Good
If someone were to say that he is a good
cook, we would expect him to be good at cooking food. If someone were to say that he is a good
athlete, we would expect him to be coordinated and quick. To say that someone is a good this or a good that is to
say that he does this or that well. For
any given discipline, there is a specific set of criteria to distinguish the
mark of excellence. So then, what makes
a good shepherd? What are the criteria? Well, he must tend the sheep. This means he needs to lead them to green
pastures and still waters; he needs to keep them from straying; and above all,
lest it all be for naught, he needs to be equipped and willing to fend off
predators that would snatch the sheep and scatter the flock. A shepherd who does this is a good
It doesn’t make any sense to call a
shepherd good apart from saying what the shepherd does. And so when Jesus calls himself the good
shepherd, he immediately follows up his claim with his qualifying
credentials. “I am the good shepherd,”
he says. “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Who Jesus is and what he does always go
together. His sacrificial suffering and
death sum up for us all the duties of the good shepherd. The tending, the feeding, the leading are all
found wrapped up in his dying on the cross.