Matthew 11:12-19 - Reformation - October 28, 2012
Preaching the Kingdom
Preaching the Kingdom
We find God, that is,
we flee to God, not by figuring out where He’s hiding, but by knowing where He
comes to us – where He reveals Himself as our mighty defender. God comes to us in His word and sacraments. And
so we flee to Him by fleeing to these. This
means that when trouble comes, when sickness strikes and cancer spreads, when
children worry us and cause heartache, and when money runs out – whatever it is
– we flee to God precisely by fleeing
to the forgiveness of sins. It may not
seem like the answer at the time, but that’s because we’re sinners. And
so, like the paralytic lying stuck on his back, it is the answer we need from
Jesus: “Child, be of good cheer; your
sins are forgiven.” And that’s what
we need: good cheer, boldness and confidence toward God. When we know the God who forgives us our
sins, then we know the God who concerns Himself with all our earthly problems
as well.