Luke 6:36-42 - Trinity
IV - June 23, 2013
Ye Merciful
When we say that God is
gracious, we are saying that He gives us what we don’t deserve to have. Take, for instance, everything that we need
to support our body and life. All this
God gives to us by grace alone without any merit or worthiness in us. We don’t deserve what good things we
have. What do we deserve? Well, this is
where mercy comes in. We deserve God’s
temporal and eternal punishment for how we have lived. We have treated our bodies as though we own
them, and everything God gives us as though it were here to serve our own
desires. We act as though we deserved the things God so
graciously bestows. But we don’t. We deserve wrath. And yet it is in mercy that God declines to
be wrathful. In mercy, God chooses not
to condemn us, but to forgive and acquit us.