John 6:1-15 - Laetare Sunday - March
30, 2014
God Tests the People He Loves
Jesus did signs. We
usually call them miracles or wonders.
They are the things that Jesus was able to do because he is God. He healed the sick, cast out demons, gave
sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.
They are the things that we cannot explain according to natural
causes. But we don’t have to. Jesus did not exercise his power and
authority as the eternal Son of God made flesh in order that we might figure
out how he does what he does — no, but
rather why he does what he does. Jesus did miracles for two reasons: 1) to
have compassion on the people God loves, and 2) to direct them to where this
love of God is constantly accessible to them.
That is why St. John calls them signs.
God Tests the People He Loves
A sign points to something.
A sign draws your attention to itself only for long enough to draw your
attention away from itself and on to
something else. Take, for instance, the
signs on the side of the road.