Luke 8:4-15 - Sexagesima
Sunday - January 31, 2016
The Sower and the Seed
The Sower and the Seed
morning, our appointed Scripture lessons for Sexagesima Sunday invite us to
consider the power of words. Words have
immense power. We know this as a matter
of Christian conviction for at least three reasons: First, because we know that
by speaking his word almighty God created heaven and earth. Second, because we know that the divine Word
became human flesh and dwelt among us in order to atone for all human sin on
the cross. And third, because we know
that whoever abides in the words of Jesus has life abiding in him, and that it
is through his holy word that the Holy Spirit persuades us of God’s love for us
in Christ and makes us temples of the triune God. Words have immense power. To deny this is to deny the power of God and
naturally also the Christian faith. But
we affirm that words are immensely powerful as a matter of Christian
conviction. That is why we are gathered
this morning to hear God’s word.