John 3:1-15 - Trinity - May
22, 2016
Confronting God
Confronting God
is Trinity Sunday. The word Trinity is
not found in the Bible. It’s a word that
was created by Christians in order to express what the Bible teaches about God. The Bible teaches clearly that God is three
distinct Persons in one divine Essence: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That’s what Trinity means: tri + unity = Trinity. The only true God is the Triune God. All true Christians believe this. Every true Church confesses this. The Christian Church has learned to
articulate her faith in the three ecumenical creeds – the Apostles, the Nicene,
and the Athanasian – not by thinking really hard about God – not by sitting
down and figuring out his mind – no, but by learning from Holy Scripture who
God is and what God does, and by defending the doctrine they learned when
controversy arose. Our creeds are not
extra words that we impose upon the word of God. They are concise expressions of the holy
Faith that God’s word teaches us.